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Earthquake Shakes Parts Of California During Storm

By, Muhd. Faizan

Date - 21/08/2023

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Beneath the Earth's surface, an inactive fault line sprung to life, triggering the earthquake. Learn how this sudden shift had experts reevaluating seismic activity.

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Discover how the storm's atmospheric pressure influenced the propagation of seismic waves, resulting in a distinct pattern of tremors across the region.

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As the Earth trembled, witnesses reported mysterious flashes of light. Uncover the scientific explanation behind these eerie illuminations.

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Animals often sense danger before humans do. Explore the phenomenon of birds taking flight seconds before the quake hit and the role of infrasound. 

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Certain areas experienced liquefaction, where solid ground turned to liquid. Learn why this occurs and the unexpected structures it can create.

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Seismologists recorded an unusual hum during the quake. Delve into the source of this haunting sound and its link to the Earth's movements. 

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Unearth the connection between the recent heavy rainfall, the storm, and the seismic activity. Discover how water infiltration influences fault behavior.

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Believe it or not, the earthquake's aftershocks created a unique "soundtrack." Find out how scientists turned seismic data into audible vibrations.

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