Do You Know The Cost Of A Single Nasa Spacesuit
By, Muhd. Faizan
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The cost of a single NASA spacesuit can range from \$12 million to \$15 million.
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The exact cost depends on the type of spacesuit and the features it includes.
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The Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU), which is the primary spacesuit used by astronauts on spacewalks, costs around \$12 million.
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The Advanced Crew Escape Suit (ACES), which is used by astronauts during launch and reentry, costs around \$15 million.
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The cost of a spacesuit is so high because it is a complex piece of equipment that must meet a variety of requirements.
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Spacesuits must be able to protect astronauts from the harsh environment of space, which includes extreme temperatures, radiation, and vacuum.
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They must also be able to provide astronauts with mobility and allow them to perform a variety of tasks.
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The development of a new spacesuit can take many years and cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
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